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for details, see Worship at St. Michael’s, at All Saints’ and at St. Mary’s or our Events pages
Saturday 1st February
10am Coffee morning & produce stall at All Saints’ (till 11.45am)
​​Sunday 2nd February - Candlemas
8am Holy Communion at All Saints’
9.15am Family Eucharist at St. Michael’s
4.30pm Service for Candlemas at St. Mary’s
6pm Evensong at St. Michael’s
Monday 3rd February
2pm Rhubarb Café at St. Michael’s
Tuesday 4th February
10am Church Cleaning
Wednesday 5th February
10am Mid Week Communion at All Saints’
Thursday 6th February
9.30am Little Angels Toddler Group at St. Michael’s (till 11am)
​Friday 7th February
2pm Aston Bridge Club Session at St. Michael’s (till 4.30pm)
7.45pm Bellringing at St. Michael’s
Saturday 8th February
9am Repair Café at St. Michael’s (till 12 noon)
Sunday 9th February - 4th Sunday before Lent
8am Holy Communion at All Saints’
9.15am Family Eucharist at St. Michael’s
11am Messy Sunday at All Saints’ (till 12pm)
6pm Evensong at St. Michael’s
Monday 10th February
2pm Rhubarb Café at St. Michael’s
Tuesday 11th February
11am Staff Wellbeing at Aston Clinton School
Wednesday 12th February
10am Mid Week Communion at All Saints’
​12 noon Chiltern Mid Week Bellringing at St. Michael’s
Thursday 13th February
9.30am St. Michael’s Little Angels Toddler Group at St. Michael’s
​Friday 14th February
2pm Aston Bridge Club Session at St. Michael’s (till 4.30pm)
7.45pm Bellringing at St. Michael’s
​​​Sunday 16th February - 3rd Sunday before Lent
8am Holy Communion at All Saints’
9.15am Family Eucharist at St. Michael’s
11am Sung Eucharist at All Saints’
6pm Evensong at St. Michael’s
Monday 17th February
2pm Rhubarb Café at St. Michael’s
​Wednesday 19th February
10am Midweek Holy Communion at All Saints’
​Thursday 20th February
9.30am St. Michael’s Little Angels Toddler Group at St. Michael’s
​Friday 21st February
2pm Aston Bridge Club Session at St. Michael’s (till 4.30pm)
7.45pm Bellringing at St. Michael’s
​Sunday 23rd February - 2nd Sunday before Lent
8am Holy Communion at All Saints’
9.15am Family Eucharist at St. Michael’s
6pm Evensong at St. Michael’s
Monday 24th February
2pm Rhubarb Café at St. Michael’s
​Wednesday 26th February
10am Midweek Communion at All Saints’
Thursday 27th February
9.30am St. Michael’s Little Angels Toddler Group at St. Michael’s
Friday 28th February
2pm Aston Bridge Club Session at St. Michael’s (till 4.30pm)
7pm Flicks in the Sticks at All Saints’
7.45pm Bellringing at St. Michael’s